Website address
The web address of the site associated with this legal notice is
Web editor
8 Rue Heyrault
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
R.C.S. 497 94 13 77
Share capital › 1 721 872 €
Tel : 01 41 86 05 60
Email ›
Name of the site's hosting company
The IT resources used for this site are hosted by TALENTSOFT.
8 Rue Heyrault
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Share capital > 1 721 872 €
R.C.S 497 94 13 77
Copyright and intellectual property
All information appearing on our site is protected under the provisions
of Intellectual Property Law. Consequently, any reproduction of the site
or information it contains, in full or in part, without our express
prior written agreement, is forbidden.
You are prohibited from collecting or using information available on the
site for commercial purposes.
This prohibition applies, in particular, to all editorial content
appearing on the site, to screen layouts, software required for its
operation, logos, images, photos and graphics of any kind.
The site is aimed at any person (hereafter termed "User") who wishes to
submit a speculative application or access a particular job vacancy
published by the company.
The company reserves the right to alter, improve and enrich the services
offered by the site at any time.
Company commitments
Access to site's services
The company works to offer the best services possible to the user and to
facilitate access.
Consequently, the company endeavours to ensure access to the site 24
hours a day, every day of the year.
However, this access may be interrupted by the company or service
providers responsible for implementing and hosting the website for
maintenance or any other technical reason. In specific cases where
access may be interrupted, the company, where possible, will seek to
notify users prior to the interruption and will work to limit the length
of the interruption.
The company reserves the right to suspend access to services, without
being held liable. This is primarily for cases such as attacks on the
site (viruses, malicious intrusions, etc.) which may potentially affect
the capacity, security and integrity of processing or data, an
acknowledgement by the company of the presence of illegal content, or a
request for suspension or restriction of access to the site made by an
administrative or judicial authority or by way of a formal notice from a
third party.
Data security and confidentiality
The company abides by the requirements of the modified French data
processing and freedom law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 regarding the
processing of the user's personal information.
The company undertakes, in particular, to ensure the security of data in
order to prevent it from being altered, damaged or sent to unauthorised
third parties and to ensure that it is used exclusively for the purpose
of managing the user's speculative applications or applications in
response to advertised vacancies, and any subsequent follow-ups and/or
The Company will not be liable to the user for the loss and/or
disappearance of data pertaining to the user in the event of a force
majeure event or the actions of a third party.
User commitments
The site's exclusive purpose is to facilitate the company's hiring
processes. It is available to the user for the sole purpose of enabling
the user to track and view vacancies and submit applications. As such,
users shall refrain, within the free-text entry areas made available on
the site, from any unlawful use, including sending messages containing
violent, defamatory, or other content that is in any way illegal.
Furthermore, Talentsoft reserves the right to bar users from using the
site for any time and for any reason.
Data processing rights
The company is registered with the CNIL (National Comission on Informatics and Liberty) and with "Protection of personal data"
Company CNIL registration number : 1714286 v 0
User data is accessed and processed in full accordance with privacy and
confidentiality regulations by one or more of the following parties:
duly appointed individuals from the company's HR division, an external
recruitment company which the company may, if necessary, call upon, or
IT service providers involved in the implementation of the site, solely
for the purposes of analysing the content of the CVs forwarded by the
user and fulfilling the recruitment procedures.
No personal information is collected without the user's knowledge, nor
is it used for unspecified purposes including, but not limited to the
sale of said information to third parties.
Right to oppose, access and correct data relating to the user
In accordance with the provisions of the modified French law of 6
January 1978, users can exercise their right to oppose, access and
correct data related to them by sending their request to the website
administrator :
8 Rue Heyrault
92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Tel : 01 41 86 05 60
Email ›